OrangeWednesday Fighting the Stereotypes one at a time

Here' a little info about meh. I'm usually considered crazy most likely weird....umm I'm from San Antonio it's all about demmmm spurs!!. I have like 5 bros and sisters but the one by my mom is roger. He's crazy too. He just doesn't know it. I'm the oldest of all yes! Anyway, I like mostly rock music but I also love R&B too and some Rap. I also have a strong obsession with comic books. They're awesome!!! I can draw and stuff so thats kewl. Oh yeah, I write too mostly Rpging though. I don't care if you dont know that means!! Gosh, I'm often called funny sometimes. Oh No!!!! It's the FBI. They found out.uhh i got 2 go peace





I don'y have any. T-T Well, not on this site anyway. =P


Tlk to the Orange


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